What is useful when flying with a child? What to expect and how to survive the first time - what you need during your first flight with an extended squad.
Baby on the plane
The first trip with a baby is stressful - especially if we don't fly very often. We are afraid of crying, which will disturb other passengers, we are worried about the baby's well-being, about our own peace of mind, about whether we have all the necessary things with us and about the entire organization of the trip. Stroller, luggage, child, handbags, documents. How to plan all the logistics so that you can have peace of mind and everything runs smoothly?
Don't panic. Don't stress. Don't assume the worst. Contrary to appearances, usually the younger the child, the easier and calmer the trip is, and the child sleeps most of the flight, lulled by the noise of the plane.
Easier said than done, but the truth is that your calmness will also calm your baby down. Children – even the smallest ones – are very accurate at guessing our emotions: stress and the omnipresent nervousness can get to them, so the best thing you can do before the first flight with your child is to ensure positivity and relaxation. What does it mean? First of all, being flexiblem and abandoning all expectations, as well as not demanding from the child that he will find himself perfectly in a new situation.
A toddler may cry, and a baby crying on a plane is stressful because we are afraid of the reaction of those around us. But this reflex is completely natural - toadult people also experience ailments related to a sudden change in blood pressure, and some people are paralyzed by the fear of flying. Children feel all this too - they may be afraid, they may be tired, they may have a headache or clogged ears.
If you are breastfeeding naturally, put your baby to the breast during the start - sucking and swallowing food can relieve clogged ears, and the baby will feel warm and safe. Children fed with formula milk can also be given a bottle - it is worth having measured portions of powder with you (an appropriate container with divisions) and warm water in a thermos. The stewardess can bring hot water at our request, but it is usually too hot and it may turn out that we have to wait for it for quite a long time during all the confusion during preparations for take-off - so we recommend preparing your own thermos :)
In addition, it is worth checking all the amenities offered by your chosen airline. Most airline companies provide free extra baggage for the child, free transport of a stroller or car seat, the possibility of bringing drinks for the child and priority boarding. At most airports you will also find rooms for parents with children and a children's corner, where - after checking in your luggage and passing through the security check - your child will be able to play.
A pleasant flight with a child – a well-packed hand bag
When you have all the most necessary things at hand, your head will be calm, and you will be prepared for every eventuality. Boredom, irritability and crying of your baby? No problem, you have something up your sleeve that will calm them down. Wet clothes, dirty diaper, earache? There's something for that too. Here is a list of key things that are necessary when flying with a baby.
Airplane necessities:
You can't move forward without them. When traveling with an infant you will need:
child's identity card – i.e. temporary ID card or passport, without which you will not board the plane
boarding card, also necessary
travel insurance – not necessary, but it's really worth buying
EHIC card – i.e. the European Health Insurance Card, which entitles you to free use of public health care in the countries of the European Union. A great thing that should be done well in advance before the planned departure .
Pushchair and baby carrier
You can take a stroller with you to the airport, which will make traveling with your baby much easier. If you have a large stroller, you must return it before boarding the plane and you will receive it again when collecting your luggage from the hold. Unfortunately, we know from experience that strollers often arrive damaged, so a very good step is to buy a stroller that folds to the size of hand luggage and which you can take with you on board the plane. The advantage of having a stroller on board is the fact that you have it immediately at hand when you get off the plane and you can put your baby in it if, for example, he slept through the entire flight and you don't want to wake him up. You don't have to wait for the big stroller to come out of the hatch.
Even if you don't travel very often, a travel stroller is a good investment because it will serve you for several years as a light stroller or everyday stroller. The Babyzen brand offers not only the Yoyo2 stroller in cabin size, but also option for a newborn that folds to the minimum size.
If your child likes to be carried and you have a long flight ahead of you, it is a very good idea to take with you a favorite and easy-to-put-on baby carriers. It will help you soothe your baby or lull you to sleep during a flight and give your baby a sense of security, and it will free your hands and help you hold your sleeping baby in a comfortable position.
Baby care on board the plane
Although changing a baby's diaper on board an airplane may be terrifying, there is no greater philosophy in it: there are toilets in the cabins equipped with changing tables, where you can conveniently change your baby's diaper. Through the security check in your hand luggage, you can freely bring wipes, liquids (up to a liter), snacks and everything necessary for baby care.
Baby changing table – what to pack?
Disposable diapers (it is worth having a small supply in case, for example, our main luggage is lost and it will take us a while to recover it or buy a pack of diapers)
Wet wipes – choose those with a good composition that will not irritate the baby's sensitive skin. Cotton wipes soaked in water only work great.
Ecological bagkit for used diapers – is a fantastic element, thanks to which you won't have to worry about the lack of a waste bin. They are biodegradable, odorless, and one bag can hold more than one used diaper.
Changing cream (which can also be applied to, for example, baby's cheeks that are dry due to air conditioning)
Rescue essentials, or how to prevent small disasters during the first flight with a baby
With children – as you probably know – everything is unpredictable and delightfully chaotic. Soaked diaper, dirty clothes, too cold, too warm - there are many possibilities, and we have to be ready. To prevent "small disasters", stock up on:
A change of clothes - it's hard to imagine going out for a long time without an additional outfit for children who have the magical ability to get themselves dirty at the most inopportune moment. The advantage is that children's clothes are small and take up very little space when folded, so it is worth having one more bodysuit rather than less ;) In addition, if we are flying to a different climate zone, it is worth having one additional set, which will come in handy if our main luggage is lost. If, for example, we are flying to the tropics, let's take one bodysuit with short sleeves and a sun hat, as well as cream or at least a small stick with a high filter for hand luggage. Nothing is more stressful than lost luggage after arrival when we have nothing at hand.
- Even if it's summer, let's take the child on board thin hat, socks and comfortable sweatshirt / sweater / thin, soft jacket with a hood (e.g. Engel) - it can be very cold on the plane
Small and quite warm blanket - useful not only for the entire journey, but also on the plane when the air conditioning makes itself felt or when the baby falls asleep. A great choice will be blankets made of merino wool or thick/fluffy cotton, which will softly wrap your baby, are natural, have thermoregulatory properties, and are pleasant and very gentle on babies' skin.
- Large muslin diaper / muslin wrap - works well as a "sheet" if it turns out that we can put it away baby in a free seat next to you or you will be entitled to an airplane baby cot.
Silicone case and pendant if the child uses a pacifier
If you have a long flight ahead of you, contact the airline and report that you are flying with an infant - on long-haul planes, there are several baby cots for small children. It is worth registering a seat next to such a cot, which will make a long flight with your baby much easier.
However, if you are flying with a child over 2 years old who has a purchased seat on the plane, think about the perfect travel accessory: JetKids BedBox suitcase. This is a phenomenal and innovative suitcase and touristtic bed in one, which you can take with you on board the plane as hand luggage, and when unfolded you will receive a comfortable andfunctional bed for a child.
Travelling with a baby who already has an expanded diet means one thing: snacks. Especiallypduring a long-hour journey. What food to pack for a child on the plane so that it does not take up much space, is tasty and easy to serve?
Favorite dinner in a container – for example risotto or one-pot dishes which it's easy to feed your baby. For transporting food, a lunch thermos with a hermetic closure in an ergonomic shape will work well, as it will not take up much space in the bag, will hold your little one's favorite dish and will maintain the right temperature for a long time.
Easy to grab snacks – cut fruit/vegetables, banana pancakes, millet crisps etc.
Vegetable and fruit mousses or cream soups in reusable sachets Smoothie Bags – it will be tasty and healthy
- Sippy bottle with water
Travel toys, or how to occupy a toddler who is several months old in plane
On a short flight, you may be able to do without time-saving devices (especially if your little one sleeps through the journey), but on long-haul flights, sensory travel toys are a life-saving necessity when you no longer have the strength to traverse the plane with a playful baby in your arms :)
What toys should you take for your baby on the plane?
First of all, those that are small, handy and will interest the child. The baby will love all sensory toys, soft books that will stimulate his senses: rustling and ringing elements, wooden accessories, safe and silicone parts that can be explored with all senses.