How to distinguish normal baby crying from crying caused by colic? Everything you need to know about infant colic

The toddler starts crying spasmodically, flexes his tummy and cramps his legs? She is probably experiencing infantile colic, which is a spasm of the intestines that causes considerable discomfort in the baby. Difficulty calming down a child can cause helplessness in parents. Contrary to stereotypes, it is not enough to wait for colic - you can actively work towards relieving your baby from this unpleasant condition. Moreover, numerous preventive measures will help reduce its frequency. "Recognize your opponent", i.e. discover the causes of colic in your baby and effective ways to help your baby not only with the help of pharmacological agents.

What is infantile colic?

Infant colic is a mild behavioral disorder that does not threaten the health and life of the child, but at the same time it is a painful condition. The commonly known definition is the one developed in 1954 by Morris Wessel, an American pediatrician. The criterion he uses to define infantile colic is excessive crying occurring in a healthy child aged 2 weeks to 4 months, which lasts:

  • more than 3 hours a day
  • at least 3 days every week
  • for at least 3 weeks.

At what age do colics most often begin in babies? Colic is an intestinal spasm that affects babies usually between 3 weeks and 5 months of age, but Morris Wessel's definition allows us to notice that it is experienced by 2-week-old babies. The highest frequency of this ailment can be observed in children between 2 and 3 months. Typically, intestinal spasms disappear naturally in babies who reach 5 months of age.

What are the main symptoms of infant colic?

The symptoms of colic in a baby are quite easy to diagnose:

  • the child cries for no reason, is anxious and irritated
  • the baby's tummy is tense and swollen, at the same time the baby curls its legs,
  • crying and fussing appear at a similar time, most often in the eveningsand last for several hours a day,
  • Despite the symptoms, the infant does not suffer from loss of weight or appetite.

What are the most common causes of colic in babies?

The clear cause of colic in babies has not yet been determined. Colic attacks in a babyare, however, caused by the following factors:

  • immaturity of the infants' digestive system - intestinal spasm is a reaction of the sensitive digestive tract to the food consumed. Both breast milk and formula milk may be to blame
  • food intolerance - the cause of colic may also be lactose intolerance, which is consumed by the baby's mother,
  • external stimuli –we are talking about excessive intestinal gases in response to the mother's stress or even the anxiety of both parents. The culprit is not only the immaturity of the infants' digestive system, but also the insufficiently developed nervous system,
  • incorrect technique of feeding the baby -the causes of infant colic may also be prosaic and related to the inappropriate way of feeding the baby. When a baby swallows too much air while eating (e.g. eats too greedily), air bubbles get into the intestines, which causes a bloated belly and the baby suffers from colic as a result.
  • Mom's smoking -Nicotine has an adverse effect on the child's digestive system, which is why babies of parents who smoke cigarettes are exposed to infant colic up to three times more often,
  • poor mental condition of the mother -a nervous mother experiencing stress or even suffering from postpartum depression is another risk factor for infant colic,
  • inadequate mother's diet - a breastfeeding mother's diet is poor in nutrients, based on processed food instead of vegetables, fruits and healthy proteins and fats, which may lead to colic in children.

What are effective ways to relieve the symptoms of colic?

Are you wondering what home methods can help relieve the symptoms of colic? Popular ways to deal with colicinclude:

  • belly massage. –For about 10 minutes, gently massage the baby's tummy in circular clockwise movements to bring relief to the baby,
  • warm compresses on the belly, which will help reduce pain
  • activation of white noise - these are sounds that remind the baby of the sounds associated with the first months in the mother's belly, which has a therapeutic effect. Sound generators that emit such sounds will prove useful
  • hugging and carrying in your arms – the parent's closeness will help the child calm down more effectively
  • leg exercises –alternately curling and straightening the legs supports intestinal function.

Prophylaxis and colic prevention

What feeding changes can help prevent colic? A useful tip is to place the baby on its stomach before feeding, thanks to which the baby will have a chance to pass gas more easily. It is worth feeding your baby in such a way that it does not swallow too much air. anti-colic bottles and special pacifiers will be useful. Another valuable tip is to feed your baby right after waking up, before the baby starts crying and swallows too much air.

Colic prevention also includes:

  • maintaining a constant daily rhythm,
  • limiting the amount of stimuli, especially in the evenings,
  • watching burping after feeding.

In this way, colic therapycan bring better results.

Infant ailments from the perspective of Bebe Concept - learn about our suggestions for dealing with colic in your baby

You already know the causes of infant colic and how important prevention is. Look how preventive activitiesand coping with colic can support the products available in our store.

Prevention of colic in infants is an appropriate method of feeding. Therefore, soft anti-colic bottle will prove invaluable. This safe bottle is made of high-quality, baby-safe materials and its shape resembles a mother's breast. A refined closure system will prevent the contents from spilling out, and the medium-flow teat will ensure that your baby eats at a safe pace to prevent colic.

What if colic already occurs? A warm compress for a child's sore belly in the form of a cuddly toy is the perfect solution. A hot water bottle made of soft cotton is not only a practical gadget in case of colic, but also a chance for your baby's favorite cuddly toy. Cuddly Animal Small cuddly hot water bottle for babies and children is a soft toy made of organic cotton with a detachable bag filled with seeds inside. cherries. Just warm it up and the inconspicuous toy will turn into a hot water bottle, invaluable during baby colic.

Aromatherapy will also help your baby in difficult times. Essential oil for children Infant Colic 10 ml is a real elixir that relieves the baby's pain. A mixture of fennel or cumin will reduce the symptoms of infant colic and flatulence. Just massage a few drops of oil into your baby's tummy to relieve gas and help your baby suffer from unpleasant symptoms for a shorter period of time. And finally - in difficult times, nothing makes the baby feel better than the closeness of its mother. Cotton ring sling is a soft and natural material, easy to tie, thanks to which the baby will be able to stay safely in the mother's arms without tiring her spine.

How to deal with infant colic?

Dealing with infant colic can be a challenge, but there are many methods that can help ease the symptoms and bring relief to both baby and parents. Here are some proven methods:

Home remedies for infant colic

Belly massage

- Gently massage your baby's tummy in clockwise circular motions for about 10 minutes. Massage can help release accumulated gas and relieve pain.

Warm compresses

- Applying warm compresses to the abdomen may provide pain relief. Use a hot water bottle or a warm towel, but make sure it is not too hot.

Carrying a baby

- Carrying your baby in your arms or in a sling can help him calm down. The proximity of the caregiver and rocking can have a calming effect.

Leg exercises

- Gently curl and straighten your baby's legs, which can help release gas and relieve bloating.

Change position

- Change your baby's position frequently, such as laying him on his stomach under supervision, which can help with passing gas.

Colic prevention

Feeding technique

- Feed your baby in a position that minimizes swallowing air. Use anti-colic bottles and appropriate nipples.

- Feed your baby before he or she cries from hunger to avoid swallowing air.


- After each feeding, make sure your baby burps the swallowed air. You can do this by holding the baby in an upright position and gently patting the back.

Stable daily rhythm

- Maintain a regular daily rhythm and limit the number of stimuli, especially in the evening, so that your child has a quiet sleeping environment.

Products to help deal with colic

Anti-colic bottles

- Special anti-colic bottles and teats prevent swallowing air during feeding.

Cuddle hot water bottles

- Soft cuddly toys with a hot water bottle insert can provide warmth and comfort in case of colic.

Essential oils

- A blend of essential oils such as fennel or cumin can be used to gently massage your baby's tummy.

Ring slings

- Carrying your baby in a sling can help keep him or her close and safe, which can often help with calming down during colic.

When should you consult a pediatrician?

If home methods and prevention do not bring relief and colic is frequent and severe, it is worth consulting a pediatrician. Your doctor may recommend appropriate medications or probiotics and provide further treatment instructions.

Infant colic is a difficult time for both the baby and the parents. The key is to stay calm and consistently use proven methods to alleviate symptoms. Remember that infant colic usually goes away on its own after a few months. In the meantime, try to provide your child with as much comfort and closeness as possible.

When should you seek help from a pediatrician in case of infant colic?

When, despite using home methods and preventive measures, your baby still suffers from frequent colic, it is worth consulting a pediatrician. Infant colicsometimes requires the use of pharmaceuticals. What medications and therapeutic methods are recommended for infant colic? Are probiotics effective in treating colic and is it worth giving them to your baby? It's best to talk to a pediatrician about this, who will select the right medicines for your baby and appropriate medications for babies.

Infant colic is a difficult time for both the baby and its parents. It is important, however, that parents do not react with panic to bouts of difficult-to-calm crying, because the baby may sense their stress, which in turn worsens the symptoms of colic. Take care of prevention, if colic occurs, use home remedies, and if they don't help, see a doctor. Baby colicis not the end of the world, and you are doing great!

Infant colic FAQ

How to recognize colic in a baby?
The diagnosis of colic in a baby is based on observing intense, difficult to calm crying that lasts several hours and often occurs at the same time of the day, usually in the evening. Tensing the body, curling the legs towards the belly and a bloated belly are also characteristic. It is important that despite episodes of colic, the baby still gains weight and has an appetite.

At what age do babies most often experience colic?
Infant colic most often appears between the 3rd week and 5th month of a baby's life. This is the period when the baby's digestive system is still immature, which may contribute to the occurrence of colic.

Does colic affect a baby's weight gain?
No, infant colic does not affect a baby's weight gain or appetite. A colicky baby should gain weight normally and eat willingly, even though he or she may have a bloated belly and become restless during colic episodes.

What are the main causes of colic in infants?
The main causes of colic in infants are immaturity of the digestive system, food intolerance, external stimuli such as parental stress and incorrect feeding technique, which may lead to the baby swallowing air. Additionally, children of parents who smoke cigarettes are more susceptible to colic.

Does the diet of a breastfeeding mother influence the occurrence of colic?
In most cases, the diet of a breastfeeding mother does not have a direct influence on the occurrence of colic in the baby. The exception is if the child is lactose intolerant. In this case, eliminating dairy products from the mother's diet may help alleviate the symptoms of colic.

What are effective ways to relieve the symptoms of colic?
Effective ways to relieve the symptoms of colic include belly massage, warm compresses, carrying the baby in your arms and leg exercises. Abdominal massage should be performed with gentle, circular clockwise movements. Warm compresses on the belly can help reduce pain, and carrying your baby in your arms gives him or her closeness and a sense of security. Leg exercises, i.e. alternately curling and straightening the legs, support intestinal function and can bring relief.

What changes in feeding technique can help prevent colic?
To prevent colic, it is worth feeding your baby in such a way that he does not swallow too much air. Anti-colic bottles and special pacifiers may be helpful. Before feeding, it is a good idea to place your baby on his tummy to help him pass gas. Feeding right after waking, before your baby starts crying, can also be effective because it reduces the risk of swallowing air.

Are there products available that can help you deal with colic?
Yes, there are products that can help you deal ith colic. A soft anti-colic bottle that is shaped like a mother's breast may be helpful. Warm compresses in the form of cuddly toys, such as hot water bottles, may bring relief to the child. Baby essential oil containing fennel and cumin can be used for tummy massage to reduce the symptoms of colic. Carrying your baby in a cotton ring sling allows you to be close to your mother, which can help soothe your baby.

Is colic in babies a cause for concern?
Infant colic is usually a temporary condition and although it can be stressful for parents, it is not a cause for concern if the baby is developing normally, gaining weight and has an appetite. However, if colic is particularly intense, lasts longer than a few months, or if your baby has additional symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea or problems with weight gain, it is worth consulting a pediatrician.

How long does infant colic last?
Infant colic usually appears around the 3rd week of life and can last up to 3-5 months. Every baby is different, so the duration of colic may vary. Typically, the symptoms of colic will improve and eventually go away as your baby's digestive system matures.

Subject Description
Definition of infantile colic Infantile colic is a mild behavioral disorder that does not threaten the health and life of the baby, but causes pain. Morris Wessel's definition from 1954: excessive crying of a healthy child from 2 weeks to 4 months, lasting >3 hours a day, at least 3 days a week, for at least 3 weeks.
Age of occurrence Colic most often occurs between 3 weeks and 5 months of age. Most often between 2 and 3 months of age. It usually goes away after the 5th month.
Symptoms of colic - Intense crying for no reason
- Tightening of the tummy, twitching of legs
- Crying mainly in the evening, lasts several hours a day
- The child does not lose weight or appetite
Causes of colic
  • Immaturity of the digestive system
  • Food intolerance (e.g. lactose)
  • External stimuli (parental stress, gauze pads)
  • Incorrect feeding technique
  • Mom smoking cigarettes
  • Poor mental condition of the mother
  • Mom's inadequate diet
Ways to relieve symptoms
  • Belly massage
  • Warm compresses
  • Start white noise
  • Hugging and carrying in arms
  • Leg exercises
Prevention and prevention
  • Laying on the stomach before feeding
  • Feeding in a way that minimizes the swallowing of air (anti-colic bottles)
  • Feeding immediately after waking up
  • Maintaining a constant daily rhythm
  • Limit stimuli in the evening
  • Maintaining burping after feeding
Supporting Products
  • Soft anti-colic bottle
  • Snuggle hot water bottle
  • Essential oil with fennel and cumin
  • Ring sling
When to see a doctor? Consult your pediatrician if colic is frequent, severe, lasts a long time, or if your baby has additional symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea or trouble gaining weight.
Diagnosis of colic
  • Intense crying, flexing belly, tucked legs, bloated belly, no weight loss or appetite.
Duration of colic Colic usually lasts from 3 weeks to 3-5 months of age. Symptoms subside as the child's digestive system matures.
Influence of mother's diet Most maternal diets do not affect colic, the exception being lactose intolerance. Eliminating milk may help.
Ways to deal with colic
  • Belly massage, warm compresses, carrying a baby, leg exercises, changing positions.
Colic Feeding Technique Avoid your baby swallowing air, use anti-colic bottles and pacifiers. Feed immediately after waking up.
Products supporting the fight against colic
  • Anti-colic bottles, cuddly hot water bottles, essential oils, ring slings.
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