Hybrid carriers - what to carry children in?

Baby carriers are one of those topics that cause heated discussions and most often we come across repeated myths that have been debunked many times long ago. One thing is certain, and it's hard to disagree: carriers relieve our spine and simply make life easier. Carrying a baby from birth supports its development, calms down, gives a sense of security and allows oxytocin and serotonin to work in our body.

How to distinguish a proper sling from a "suspended" one?

When we start our adventure with a carrier, it is important that we first answer the question: how to distinguish a proper carrier from a "hanging" one?

First of all: in a proper carrier, the child has full support under the bottom from knee to knee, he "sits" comfortably on it, does not hang.

Secondly: the material from which the carrier is made is soft, breathable, adapts to the child's body, without underwires, buckles on the back, and without stiffeners that could encourage the child to stretch.

Thirdly: the carrier should end at the neck without additional elements to hold the head, the head in the appropriate carrier rests freely on the parent's chest or holds itself.

When can we start carrying our baby in a carrier?

When can we start carrying our baby in a carrier? Most babywearing consultants and physiotherapists encourage the use of baby carriers when the baby sits independently. But we can't always wait for this moment, and not everyone is a fan of traditional scarves. And then what? Then we can count on adjustable carriers that are suitable for smaller children because they maintain the toddler's healthy posture and will certainly support you in these beautiful moments.

Which carrier should you choose for your child?

But which carrier should you choose for your child? The answer is simple: one that will be checked and fitted correctly. An ideal choice, also for beginners in this topic, is a hybrid carrier such as the Limas carrier from Stokke. It is light, compact and easy to use.

Dedicated from 3.2 kg to 15 kg, we know from experience that in order to feel more confident, we can wait to try the carrier until the baby can hold its head on its own, so that it can be placed in the carrier without any problems or stress.

Limas carrier has a wide panel under the child's bottom, fastened with a buckle, which is additionally adjustable with Velcro, so we can adjust it to the child's age. The panel on the child's back is 100% soft, but not elastic, so it does not spring and does not additionally burden our spine. The material made of delicate cotton and airy linen adapts to the user and works well at any time of the year. Importantly, we can also adjust the height of this panel by wrapping the hip belt and tying it with strings to provide the youngest users with incredible comfort.

The Limas hybrid carrier allows you to carry your baby in three different positions:

- classic front carrying, suitable for newborns and slightly older children,

- rear carrying when the child is about 5-6 months old and starts to become more and more curious about the world,

- carrying on the hip when the child likes to look around, but we also want to have full control over what is happening to the child.

Stokke Limas combines the features of a carrier (hip belt fastened with a buckle) and a wrap (wide tie straps), which means quick adjustment in a situation when both parents of different sizes want to actively use it.

A wide range of Limas baby carriers provides parents with great freedom and mobility, allowing them to have their hands free and stay close to the baby. We guarantee that you can continue to be active, and your children will be calmer and will have no problem falling asleep, and wearing them will be a great pleasure.

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