One of the first questions we ask ourselves when preparing a layette for a child (at least this was the case in our case) is "where will the baby sleep?" A baby's safe and peaceful sleep is one of the basic concerns of a future parent. That's why we decided to start the bébé concept blog with an article about Moses baskets.
The Moses basket is already a very popular element of the layette chosen by future mothers. No wonder - the list of advantages of having it is really long :)

Each of our children is very different from each other, and we have three of them in total (Marta is the mother of 3-year-old Tadzio and 7-month-old Wanda, Olga is the mother of 2-year-old Gaia). Each one has a completely different temperament, a different character, and therefore was a different baby. Despite this, we found a common denominator in their early habits - all three of them hated sleeping in a classic bed with slats during the newborn period.
According to doctors' recommendations, a child's bed should not be filled with pillows, rung protectors and other such gadgets at the beginning, as this may cause suffocation. Therefore, such a typical baby bed becomes a large empty space, definitely too "open" for a little person accustomed to the cozy, tight belly of its mother. The best answer to the need to safely limit space and create ideal sleeping conditions for a newborn is a Moses basket.
The Moses basket is sized so that the baby feels pleasantly "wrapped" in it. In addition, its walls gently dim the light and limit stimuli coming from outside, which also has a soothing effect on the baby.

In addition, a Moses basket is an ideal solution for a child's naps during the day. It is light and mobile, so you can easily place it close to you (e.g. on the sofa, in the kitchen or in the bathroom) and keep an eye on your child. At night, the basket can be placed right next to our bed, so that the baby feels our presence and can sleep peacefully.
There are more advantages to having a Moses basket. It is best to choose a basket made by hand from natural, ecological materials. Thanks to this, you can be sure that the newborn does not inhale harmful substances that may be contained in the paints or materials used to make a classic bed. Moreover, it is a really beautiful addition to the interior. After about 6-7 months, when the baby outgrows the basket, you can use it as a stylish doll bed or a toy basket.

A baby nest is a great addition to the Moses basket. The leading product of this type on the market is the socket Snuggle Me Organic. The Moses basket and Snuggle Me Organic ensure the baby's peaceful sleep, creating extremely cozy and soothing conditions similar to those known to the baby from its mother's belly.

This is our first article of this type, but we hope that this and subsequent posts on the bébé concept blog, supported by our maternity experiences, will be useful and will help many future mothers in completing the perfect layette for their child.
Marta & Olga