Preparing the body for natural childbirth – how should it be done?

Preparing for childbirth is, on the one hand, the right mental attitude, and on the other hand, also introducing small steps into your routine that will support your body in this important event. If you want your childbirth to be smoother, take care of it many weeks in advance. Muscle exercises, physical activity during pregnancy, preparing the perineum for childbirth, learning how to breathe - learn how to make the birth of your child easier and more pleasant. Prepare your birth plan in advance and make the last weeks of pregnancy a time of effective waiting for the baby's arrival.

Preparation for natural childbirth – what do you need to know?

Natural childbirth has many benefits for both mother and baby. The physiological process of childbirth promotes faster recovery, lower risk of complications and a stronger mother-child bond. However, proper preparation for natural childbirth is extremely important.

Esiotomy during childbirth, although once routine, now raises many emotions. In Western countries, this procedure is abandoned and is performed only in a dozen or so percent of women giving birth.

In Poland, perineal tissue is still incised in approximately 60% of cases per year, and there are ways to avoid it. Episiotomy without proper indications may lead to complications such as decreased muscle tone in the pelvic area, which increases the risk of urinary incontinence and reproductive organ prolapse in the future. It may also cause difficulties in wound healing, infections, scars and adhesions, making normal intercourse difficult after the postpartum period. Moreover, it promotes further tears in the perineum towards the incision made.

Practical tips before giving birth – what is worth remembering?

What exercises are recommended for future mothers? Protecting your perineum during labor includes appropriate prenatal exercises, such as pelvic floor training. It is best to start by visiting a urogynecological physiotherapist who will show you how to properly tighten and relax the pelvic floor muscles. A specialist's instructions and support are crucial for effective physical preparation for childbirth.

What relaxation techniques can support the natural birth process? Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, massage and visualization can support the natural birth process by helping the mother relax and better control the birth process. Childbirth without medical intervention and appropriate preparation bring a number of benefits, both for the woman and the child.

The most effective exercises preparing for childbirth - what to do? The most important exercises before childbirth are breathing training, fitness exercises, learning to push and pelvic floor training, which effectively help protect the perineum during childbirth. There is no universal method for performing these exercises, but they generally involve consciously alternating contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles to feel them and learn to control them.

It is best to start by visiting a urogynecological physiotherapist who will show you exactly where these muscles are located and explain how to properly tighten and relax them to have full control over them during childbirth. It is worth visiting a physiotherapist not only for exercises preparing for childbirth, but also in case of problems such as:

  • urinary incontinence during pregnancy
  • pain in the groin
  • discomfort in the lower spine, perineum
  • diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles (which is usually assessed after delivery).

The instructions and support of a urogynecological physiotherapist are crucial for effective physical preparation for childbirth.

Are there any exercises prohibited during pregnancy? Pregnant women should avoid exercises that raise the heart rate above 140 beats per minute, including training involving intense jumping or shaking. You should also avoid sports that pose a risk of falling (e.g. horse riding or ice skating) and exercises that cause shock.Exercises that cause pressure on the abdomen are also prohibited. If you want to know whether the selected training is safe for pregnant women, it is best to consult a doctor or physiotherapist. Some of them may be inadvisable depending on your individual health condition and course of pregnancy.

Perineal massage before childbirth – why is it so important?

Perineal massage is one way to avoid cutting this area during childbirth. It can be performed by the pregnant woman or with the help of her partner. In this way, you can increase the elasticity of the tissues, which stretch significantly at the culmination of childbirth. It is important that perineum massage is a relaxing activity. The ideal time to do it is in the evening after a bath, when the body relaxes itself due to the action of warm water.

When should you start perineum massage? The ideal time to start massage is the 34th-35th week of pregnancy. Most midwives agree that this is a good time to start preparing the perineum for delivery in this way.

How to massage the perineum before giving birth step by step?

  1. Moisten your hands with your favorite pure cosmetic oil, e.g. almond or a product intended specifically for perineal massage before childbirth. For this purpose, you can use natural oil for intimate areas Victory Oil, which can be found in the offer of our Bebe Concept store.
  2. Get comfortable on the sofa or bed, with your legs bent at the knees, in a lying or semi-lying position, with a pillow under your head or back. Touch your perineum and labia with your hands moistened with oil. Before you start the massage, get used to the touch and warm your intimate parts with the warmth of your hands.
  3. Insert your finger, preferably your thumb, into the vagina and press its lower wall towards the anus. Then, point by point, press the vaginal walls in the same direction, from one side wall to the other (from "3 o'clock" to "9 o'clock").
  4. After a few minutes, start massaging the tissues between the vagina and anus, pressing them gently for another 2 minutes. The entire perineum massage before delivery should last about 5 minutes. If you feel any discomfort, stop the massage.
  5. Before starting the massage, consult your doctor, as this type of exercise may be inadvisable for some women.

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Preparatory procedures for childbirth – how to prepare?

In the last weeks of pregnancy, you should ensure appropriate preparation for natural birth. Here are some key points to consider:

What should be on the list of things to take to the hospital?

  • Identity card,
  • original blood group from PESEL,
  • results of laboratory tests (morphology, culture of GBS, HIV, WR, HBS, HCV),
  • last ultrasound with fetal weight assessment,
  • pregnancy card.

What tests are necessary before a planned natural birth?

  • Blood count,
  • GBS culture result,
  • tests for HIV, WR, HBS, HCV.

Preparatory procedures for childbirth:

  • enema – this is an optional treatment that helps empty the rectum before delivery, which can reduce stress
  • Shaving your intimate areas - contrary to stereotypes, it is not required, but if you decide to do it, it is best to keep your hair trimmed short. Shaving close to the skin, especially immediately before giving birth, may make the epidermis susceptible to damage,
  • personal hygiene - before giving birth, it is recommended to wash the body thoroughly in the shower,
  • glasses or contact lenses - giving birth with glasses is possible, but caution is recommended when it comes to lenses due to reduced eye lubrication during childbirth.

It is worth consulting your doctor to make sure that all necessary preparations have been made and you are ready for a safe and comfortable birth. Birth preparation procedures can help minimize stress and complications, providing a better experience for both mother and baby. If you still lack information about natural childbirth or want to consolidate your knowledge, you can reach for "Natural childbirth" guide, which will certainly help you dispel additional doubts.

FAQ on preparing the body for natural birth

What are the benefits of natural childbirth?

Natural childbirth promotes faster recovery, lower risk of complications and a stronger mother-child bond. It also helps establish natural lactation and has a beneficial effect on the baby's health.

What exercises are recommended before giving birth?

The most important exercises are pelvic floor training, breathing and fitness exercises and learning to push. Consultation with a urogynecological physiotherapist is recommended to ensure that the exercises are performed correctly.

Are there any exercises to avoid during pregnancy?

Yes, you should avoid exercises that raise your heart rate above 140 beats per minute, intense jumping, shocks and sports that pose a risk of falling. Exercises that put pressure on the abdomen are also prohibited.

Why is perineal massage important and when to start it?

Perineum massage increases the elasticity of the tissues, which helps avoid incisions during childbirth. It is recommended to start the massage at 34-35 weeks of pregnancy.

How to perform a perineum massage?

Use natural cosmetic oil, e.g. almond. Perform the massage gently, pressing and stretching the perineum tissues for about 5 minutes. Consultation with a doctor before starting the massage is recommended.

What relaxation techniques can help during childbirth?

Techniques such as deep breathing, massage, visualization and listening to relaxing music can help you relax and have better control over the labor process.

What should be on the list of things to take to the hospital?

Identity card, original document confirming the blood type from PESEL, laboratory test results, latest ultrasound, pregnancy card, and basic hygiene products and clothes for mother and child.

What tests are necessary before a planned natural birth?

Blood count, GBS culture result, tests for HIV, WR, HBS, HCV.

What preparatory procedures are recommended before giving birth?

Optional treatments such as enemas, personal hygiene, and wearing glasses instead of contact lenses. Shaving your intimate areas is not required, but keeping your hair trimmed short is recommended.

What are additional methods of preparing for childbirth?

Regular exercise appropriate to pregnancy, maintaining a healthy diet, hydration, and education about childbirth and pain relief techniques.

What are the recommendations for a pre-natal diet?

Eat healthy, balanced meals rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Avoid processed foods, caffeine and large amounts of sugar.

Is it necessary to create a birth plan?

Yes, a birth plan helps you organize and mentally prepare for different scenarios. Determine your preferences for medical procedures, pain relief and support. Creating an appropriate birth plan, education, and physical and mental preparation can greatly contribute to a positive vaginal birth experience.

Preparing the body for natural childbirth – how should it proceed?

Mental and physical preparationPreparing for childbirth means having the right mental attitude and introducing small steps to support the body in preparing for childbirth. It is important to take care of this many weeks in advance to make the birth smoother.
Benefits of natural childbirthNatural childbirth brings benefits to both mother and child: faster recovery, lower risk of complications, stronger mother-child bond.
Perineum protectionEsiotomy should be performed only in justified cases. Appropriate exercises, such as pelvic floor training, can help you avoid this procedure.
Exercises before giving birth
  • Pelvic floor training
  • Breathing training
  • Fitness exercises
  • Learning to push
Instructions from a urogynecological physiotherapist are crucial for effective preparation.
Relaxation techniquesDeep breathing, massage, visualization - these techniques support the process of natural childbirth, helping the mother relax and better control the course of labor.
Exercises prohibited during pregnancyAvoid exercises that raise the heart rate above 140 beats per minute, intense jumps, shocks, sports that pose a risk of falling (horse riding, ice skating), and exercises that put pressure on the abdomen. Consult your doctor if in doubt.
Perineal massageMassaging the perineum increases the elasticity of the tissues, which may help avoid incision during childbirth. It is recommended to start the massage from the 34th-35th week of pregnancy, using gentle pressure and relaxation of the tissues.
Preparatory procedures
  • List of things to take to the hospital: ID card, test results, pregnancy card
  • Necessary tests: blood count, GBS culture, tests for HIV, WR, HBS, HCV
  • Enema and personal hygiene – optional but recommended
Consultation with a doctorIt is recommended that you consult your doctor about all preparatory procedures to ensure that everything is properly prepared for childbirth.
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