Water for babies – from when and how is it best to give it to a child?

Wood for babies is even more important for their health than in the case of older people, because it constitutes almost 80%. baby's total body weight. Specialists have been arguing for years about when pure water should be included in a baby's diet. However, the latest WHO and APP guidelines suggest that children (especially breastfed ones) should be supplemented with water - only from about 6 months of age.

Not everyone is aware of how important it is to give the child water appropriately. At the stage of dynamic development of a little person, every detail is important as it may favor or disturb the proper formation of many organs. Parents should be particularly concerned about the proper selection of the container and tip for drinking water by the baby. In this article, we explain why it is so important and why it is worth choosing innovative Elhee bottles or functional Pura water bottles.

elhee baby bottle

When should you start giving water to a small child?

The latest research and guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest starting to give your child water only after the child is 6 months old. The "old school" even allowed watering the newborn (during the first month), but the results of tests on breast milk and the refinement of artificial mixtures forced a change to the previous recommendations.

It is worth noting that mother's milk contains 80-90% H2O, so a breastfed baby is properly hydrated and does not need additional portions of water. The recipe for preparing the currently produced formula milk also includes the appropriate amount of water, which is not recommended to be exceeded in the early feeding of the baby.

Introducing water to an infant's diet before he or she is half a year old may lead to disruption of natural feeding and, as a result, to a lower number of calories consumed by the child. There are also known cases of water poisoning (overdose), mineral metabolism abnormalities, and even brain damage. Giving too much water in the first days of a newborn's life may also be associated with an increase in bilirubin levels.

Why sippy cups are not recommended - opinions of speech therapists and dentists

The sippy cup is a great invention... for parents, but today it is not recommended for giving drinks to children. Unaware parents are happy that when using a sippy cup, the baby won't spill or dirty the clothes or upholstery, but specialists strongly advise against this solution. Speech therapists and dentists agree that sippy cups cause bite deformation and also make the muscles of the mouth and tongue lazy. The consequence of such habits becoming established may be the development of malocclusions or speech defects (interdental lisping) that are difficult to treat. Additionally, drinking through a sippy cup does not teach the body self-control in dosing water and other fluids, causes improper breathing and exposes the teeth to caries (the fluid washes the inner part of the incisors).

What is the best way to give water to a bottle-fed baby?

At the stage of including water in the diet of a bottle-fed baby, doctors recommend using bottles with a structure and principle of operation most similar to the mother's breast. It is also very important to ensure the proper flow of the teat, adapted to the age and needs of the baby. A good example of a product that meets these requirements is Elhee anti-colic bottle, which is also perfect for giving your baby water. The round, soft and flexible Elhee bottle, resembling a woman's breast in shape and to the touch, is made of the highest quality medical silicone. The lack of any toxic substances (no BPA and BPS) makes the Elhee bottle and its dedicated teat completely neutral and safe for the child's health. Depending on the age and needs of the child, colorful bottles are available in two sizes (150 and 240 ml), and Elhee teats have several flow options. The water served from Elhee bottles retains 100% of its original properties, because the material from which they are made is free from any undesirable compounds.

In addition, Elhee bottles are soft and do not get damaged during falls, which may happen quite often at the beginning, when the child is perfecting the art of holding the bottle on his own :)

bottle baby elhee ivy green

A drinking tube or mouthpiece for a small child? Pura water bottle – it's a bull's-eye!

According to speech therapists and dentists, a natural way to give water to a child accustomed to its mother's breast is to use a tube/straw or specially profiled mouthpieces. A unique product that combines the function of a practical thermos and the recommended way for small children to drink water is Pura bottle equipped with a special mouthpiece with a tube. The aesthetically made Pura thermo bottle is made of antibacterial steel and high-quality medical silicone. The use of solutions offered by the Pura water bottle with a straw - in the phase of giving the baby water (from 6 months of age), perfectly supports the child's further development in the area of ​​teeth, gums and the developing speech system.

Pediatricians and other specialists believe that drinking through a straw or a specially designed mouthpiece triggers natural reflexes in the child. Pura products have a positive impact on the bite, development of facial muscles and, as a result, on the child's correct pronunciation in the future

The Pura thermo bottle itself is perfect both at home and when traveling. The thermobottle maintains the desired temperature of water and other liquids for 6 hours, regardless of the ambient temperature, so it is suitable for both summer and winter. The wide lid makes it easier to pour and wash thoroughly after use, and the embossed measuring cup allows for precise dosing of drinks. The Pura bottle does not contain phthalates, plastic or BPA, so no harmful substances penetrate the water served. The functional Pura thermo bottle, unlike its glass counterparts, is resistant to mechanical damage. To maintain proper hygiene, it is possible to purchase additional tubes and/or mouthpieces (the manufacturer recommends replacing them every 3 months).


According to current WHO and AAP recommendations, giving children clean water should start when the baby is six months old. The composition of breast milk provides the baby with the necessary values ​​and guarantees the appropriate level of hydration of its body - therefore, you should avoid giving the baby water, teas and other juices in advance. When introducing water or other drinks to a child's diet, both speech therapists and dentists strongly advise against using a sippy cup. These types of vessels contribute to malocclusion, ... Specialists indicate that among the best containers for giving water to a small child are bottles with operating characteristics most similar to a woman's breast and/or special bottles with a tube. These recommendations perfectly fit the unique features of the Elhee bottle and Pura water bottle.

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