During pregnancy our body changes - this is something that seems obvious. Not only our waist circumference grows, but also our bust, often thighs and even feet! Most women are aware that due to their increasing size, they will have to update their wardrobe. But what else should we pay attention to when choosing our maternity clothes?
photo: Stanisław Boniecki for Francis & Henry
First of all, during pregnancy, you need to take care of your comfort. Don't get stuck in tight dresses that will squeeze your growing belly. Also choose clothes in a maternity version - i.e. one that does not have a drawstring at the waist. Constant pressure on your stomach will quickly become uncomfortable. Many of these items can also be used successfully after pregnancy as comfortable oversize clothes.
Any loose dresses and wide trousers will be a good choice. You will be able to wear them throughout your pregnancy, so you won't have to buy new clothes all the time. After all, you now have the entire baby layette to complete! Maternity clothes are also useful after giving birth, before the enlarged belly is absorbed.
Pair loose pants with an oversized sweatshirt or shirt. If it's cold, wear a sweater or cardigan. This way, you will ensure comfort not only for yourself, but also for the child growing inside you.
Another thing you should take care of both during and after pregnancy is comfortable underwear. Even before giving birth, women often decide to wear nursing brasor soft bralettes. They provide support for the growing breasts, and at the same time do not compress either the breasts or the abdomen. Pregnancy, especially in the last weeks, can cause us some discomfort, so it is even more important to provide yourself with comfortable clothes.
Once you hold your baby in your arms, you will discover that the most comfortable clothes are the ones you wore during pregnancy. You will want to make sure that you can always reach your breast quickly and easily to feed your baby, and loose or unbuttoned blouses are best for this purpose. Choose natural, non-irritating fabrics.
Pregnancy and the birth of a child is a life-changing event. However, to make it happen without unnecessary stress, you need to remember hundreds of small details. Appropriate clothing during pregnancy and after childbirth is one of them - choosing comfortable clothes made of natural fabrics will help you take care of yourself and your baby at this special time.